Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Celebrations. . .

We had a weekend of celebrations around our house. Our little Britney turned 5 on Friday, on Sunday we celebrated our fathers (husband and son’s) and Monday it was my husband’s birthday and our Haley’s 9th birthday. We love visiting with everyone on these special occasions and it’s great to have family together. However, when you’ve just committed to an eating plan your feel a little deprived not partaking of all the goodies. But I as I reflected that everything that “over the lips and down the throat” had to be recorded, it made the decision less stressful—in fact, it was very easy to pass it up all the sugar filled cakes and goodies. I do admit that I had one small cupcake though--I didn’t want to record it. I know that I will regret having indulged when I met with my cute trainer Jocelyn on Wednesday morning.  I am becoming more conscience of what I am putting in my mouth and leaving behind the “mindless” eating that I have become accustomed too.

“Think, think before you eat it” is my new motto. Did you know that vegetarians eat animal crackers???? Celebrate your day and have a great on!

1 comment:

  1. ROSE!!! You better get blogging more!! I need some more inspiration.

    Great to see you at the gym this morning. Way to stick with it!
